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Let's Discuss 1


Let's Discuss 1

20 Units

Day 1-20

1. Stealing Food Not a Crime, Says Italian Court

2. Top Spam E-Mail Sender Stays in Prison

3. Divorce Rate Explosion Expected in Japan

4. World Bank Boss Sorry For Payout to Girlfriend

5. Shocking State of World's Toilets

Review. Unit 1-5

6. Retirement Age may be Extended to 85

7. Men Suffer From Compulsive Shopping Too

8. Internet Chaos in Asia

9. Sibling Rivalry

10. Face Your Fear

Review. Unit 6-10

11. Understanding Depression

12. Character or Reputation?

13. Third World Country

14. Credit Card- Make Your Settlements Carefully

15. Stepfamilies- We're Here to Stay

Review. Unit 11-15

16. Extreme Eating

17. Human Population Crisis

18. Hazing

19. Different Ways to Say Thank You

20. The English Boom

Review. Unit 16-20
