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Daily Pattern and Conversation 5


Daily Pattern and Conversation 5

20 Units

Day 1-20

1. Looks like we’re going to be roommates.

2. What a coincidence.

3. I started dating him a week ago.

4. Where did you buy it?

5. What movies have you seen lately?

Review. Unit 1-5

6. Why don’t you quit?

7. Do you like to watch baseball?

8. I'm going to celebrate tonight.

9. All you have to do is find the right one.

10. It's not the end of the world.

Review. Unit 6-10

11. I'm leaning towards English literature.

12. Do you want me to show you around?

13. It’s pretty tough to get in.

14. I'm leaning towards business.

15. I never got into basketball.

Review. Unit 11-15

16. I worked over the summer at a restaurant.

17. I have been up all night studying.

18. What are you afraid of?

19. I always wanted to go to Mexico.

20. That's because you don't exercise.

Review. Unit 16-20
