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News English 7


News English 7

20 Units

Day 1-20

1. Which Police Force has a Lamborghini?

2. Britney Spears versus Somali Pirates

3. Google "Throat Tattoo" Future of Tech

4. How did an Alligator Get at O'Hare Airport?

5. Could Volcanoes Power the World?

Review. Unit 1-5

6. Too Fat to Fly?

7. Could Your Next Holiday be to Iran?

8. Are Pilotless Passenger Jets within Reach?

9. Is Bottled Water Safer?

10. Are These Shorts too Short?

Review. Unit 6-10

11. Is Bangkok Really banning Street Food?

12. How Tech Gave Him Life After Death

13. Why is India eating Tons more of Chocolate?

14. Why is China Banning Beards and Veils?

15. Is Wine Healthy?

Review. Unit 11-15

16. Why Did an Indian Minister Offer New Brides a Bat?

17. Are Cows Better Investment than Gold?

18. Fighting Cancer with Green Tea

19. World's Best Job

20. Why Reading is Good for your Health

Review. Unit 16-20
