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News English 8


News English 8

20 Units

Day 1-20

1. Why Bolivia Reversed Its Clock

2. Who Cares about Rising Oceans?

3. What my MBA at Harvard did not Teach Me

4. What's in a Handshake?

5. Man Robs bank for $1?

Review. Unit 1-5

6. What's Wrong with Outlawing Bullying?

7. How Much do you Need to be Happy?

8. Why are Hispanics Identifying as White?

9. What's Behind the Big Bang Controversy?

10. What will Fix the Obesity Crisis?

Review. Unit 6-10

11. Why Asians want to Move to the US

12. How Oceans can Save our Freshwater Crisis

13. Does Minimum Wage make Sense?

14. Should Blacks be Repaid for Slavery?

15. What will Happen if the Bees Disappear?

Review. Unit 11-15

16. Did Facebook's Experiment Violate Ethics?

17. Does America Like Its Candidates Poor?

18. Why I Want My Kids to Fail

19. Should Scientist "Jurassic Park" Extinct Species Back to Life?

20. Does Being a Psychopath Make you More Successful?

Review. Unit 16-20
